Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises is a peer-reviewed journal and scientific journal published by Universitas Negeri Padang. The scope of the Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises includes the fields in the Small Medium Enterprises such as entrepreneurship, family-owned businesses, SMEs banking, performance measurement, and business improvement, innovation in international SMEs, business models, women entrepreneurship, branding of SMEs products & services. |
The journal is open both domestically and abroad.
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Publishing Open Access (OA) in Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises means researchers benefit from:
(1) Increased citation and usage, (2) Greater public engagement, (3) Increase the visibility and readership of your research, (4) Wider collaboration, (5) Increased interdisciplinary conversation, (6) You(r) retain copyright, licensed under Creative Commons, (7) Promotion and publicity of quality research, (8) Avoiding duplication, and; (9) Comply with funder mandates.
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Aims and Scope
SMS publishes innovative empirical and conceptual articles that advance knowledge of management and organizations broadly defined, in areas such as organizational theory, organizational behavior, human resource management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation, and critical management studies.
SMS has an inclusive ethos and is open to a wide range of methodological approaches and philosophical underpinnings.