Impact of Social Presence and Social Commerce Trust on Commitment and Loyalty of E-Commerce Users
Published: July 15, 2022
This study aims toa nalyze the extent of the influence of social presence, social commerce trust and commitment on the loyalty of e-commerce users. The population in this study is all E-commerce users in the cityoof Padang. The number of samples in this study was 273 respondents using the purposive sampling method. The analysis technique used is SEM analysis using smart PLS3. The results of this study show (1) There is a direct and significant and positive influence between social presence and social commrce trust on e-commerce users (2) Social presence has a significant positive effect on commitment (3) There is a significant and positive influence between social presence and loyalty (4) There is a significant and positive influence between social commerce trust and commitment (5) There is a significant and positive influence between social commere trust and loyalty (6) There is a significant and positive influence between commitment and loyalty.
- Loyalty, Social Presence, Social Commerce Trust dan Commitment